Check this out! :D
- If you type "do the harlem shake" in the YouTube search bar, the screen will do the harlem shake. (Chrome)
- Each one of our fingers clicking the computer mouse, there are 1.46 calories burned in the body.
- Ants have their own grave. But you know, The octopus has a garden and likes gardening.
- Chocolate can strengthen tooth enamel.
- Women 2 times more use emoticons in text messages than men.
- Even Buzz Aldrin was the second man stepped on the moon, but he was the first to throw dirt in space.
- Music has an ability to repair brain damage.
- Naps shown to increase height, because when we nap growth hormone more actively working.
- The world's largest prime number is currently 17 million digits long, enough to fill 28 pages in paperback.
- In medieval Europe, the salt is very expensive, so-called "white gold".
- Chewing gum can improve the ability to think quickly and alertness by 10 percent.
- Women who are stressed during pregnancy tend to give birth to children who are grumpy.
- It is recommended that you buy shoes in the afternoon. Because, after a day of walking, in the afternoon leg will grow 5-8 percent.
- Flashing give your brain a break.
- Male breasts can also produce milk, usually occurs in men who are obese or who are undergoing chemotherapy cancer.
- The longest beard in the world owned by a Norwegian man, Hans S Langseth, length of 5 meters.
- 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 seconds = 6 weeks
- In ancient Japan, condoms made of tortoise shell or animal horn.
- In the 1500 in Naples, Italy, kissing in public can be exposed to the death penalty.
- The word most often used in pop songs right now is 'oh'.
And, this is fact too : you reading this sentence. :v
Ok! That's 20 Unique Facts in the World.
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