
Friday, April 1, 2016

20 Unique Facts in the World

RV-a - Who does'nt like fact? Especially if the facts are unique. You will love it :D. I will show you guys 20 Unique Facts in the World. 
Check this out! :D

  1. If you type "do the harlem shake" in the YouTube search bar, the screen will do the harlem shake. (Chrome)
  2. Each one of our fingers clicking the computer mouse, there are 1.46 calories burned in the body. 
  3. Ants have their own grave. But you know, The octopus has a garden and likes gardening.
  4. Chocolate can strengthen tooth enamel.
  5. Women 2 times more use emoticons in text messages than men.
  6. Even Buzz Aldrin was the second man stepped on the moon, but he was the first to throw dirt in space.
  7. Music has an ability to repair brain damage.
  8. Naps shown to increase height, because when we nap growth hormone more actively working.
  9. The world's largest prime number is currently 17 million digits long, enough to fill 28 pages in paperback.
  10. In medieval Europe, the salt is very expensive, so-called "white gold".
  11. Chewing gum can improve the ability to think quickly and alertness by 10 percent.
  12. Women who are stressed during pregnancy tend to give birth to children who are grumpy.
  13. It is recommended that you buy shoes in the afternoon. Because, after a day of walking, in the afternoon leg will grow 5-8 percent.
  14. Flashing give your brain a break.
  15. Male breasts can also produce milk, usually occurs in men who are obese or who are undergoing chemotherapy cancer.
  16. The longest beard in the world owned by a Norwegian man, Hans S Langseth, length of 5 meters.
  17. 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 seconds = 6 weeks
  18. In ancient Japan, condoms made of tortoise shell or animal horn.
  19. In the 1500 in Naples, Italy, kissing in public can be exposed to the death penalty.
  20. The word most often used in pop songs right now is 'oh'.
And, this is fact too : you reading this sentence. :v
Ok! That's 20 Unique Facts in the World.
Thanks for visited our website! :D
thanks for

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